Consulta de Guías Docentes

Academic Year/course: 2017/18

418 - Degree in History

28152 - Economic History of the Modern World

Syllabus Information

Academic Year:
28152 - Economic History of the Modern World
Faculty / School:
103 - Facultad de Filosofía y Letras
418 - Degree in History
First semester
Subject Type:

5.1. Methodological overview

See "Learning activities " and "Syllabus".

More information will be provided on the first day of class.

5.2. Learning tasks

  • Theoretical lectures.
  • Practical lectures.
  • Individual work.
  • Personal study.
  • Assessment activities.


5.3. Syllabus

Lesson I. Introduction. Some Concepts

Descripition and explanation of the basics concepts to understand the content of the subject: from the basics elements that define the market, to the basis of the monetary policy

Lesson II. The Industralization (Industrial revolution in England)

Be about the beginning of the Industrial Revolution in England, the economic thought that causes and study in a comparative way the different models of industralazation

Lesson III. The expansion of the economic liberalism 1834-1914

The progress of the economy of free market in the 20th century, economic theory that supports it and the politicals and theoretical reactions.

Lesson IV. System Crisis (Recession) 1914-1945

It’s about the 30’s depression and the alternatives to the classic system that Keynes, the URSS and nazism suppose

Lesson V. Golden age of (economic) growth 1946 – 1973.

Theorical basis and of economic politics, historical facts that made possible the called “Golden age” of capitalism. Also the crisis that ended this period. The different interpretations of the global economy

Lesson VI. The backtracking 1973-2012

The success of the monetarist politics of the period, his thoretical basis and the great recession that began (started) in 2007 

Lesson VII. The incorporation of Spain to the international market

The historical breakdown that the Estabilization Plan of 1959 means for Spain



5.4. Course planning and calendar

See the academic calendar of the University of Zaragoza ( and the website of the Faculty of Philosophy and Arts (Schedule of classes:; Examination schedule:

More information will be provided on the first day of class.


5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources

  • Vocabulario básico de economia / Phyllis Deane y Jessica Kuper, eds. Barcelona : Crítica, D.L. 1992
  • Sowell, Thomas. Economía básica: un manual de economía escrito desde el sentido común/ Thomas Sowell ; traducido por Javier El-Hage Barcelona: Deusto, 2013
  • Landes, David S.. La riqueza y la pobreza de las naciones : por qué algunas son tan ricas y otras son tan pobres / David S. Landes . - 3ª ed. Barcelona : Crítica, 2008
  • Passet, René. Las grandes representaciones del mundo y la economía a lo largo de la historia : del universo mágico al trobellino creador / René Passet ; [traducción de Mariana Saúl] . - 1ª ed. Madrid : Clave Intelectual ; Buenos Aires : Eudeba, 2013
  • Tortella Casares, Gabriel. Los orígenes del siglo XXI : un ensayo de historia social y económica contemporánea / Gabriel Tortella Casares . - 1a ed. Madrid : Gadir, 2005
  • Carreras, Albert. Historia económica de la España contemporánea / Albert Carreras, Xavier Tafunell . - 1ª ed., 3ª imp. Barcelona : Crítica, 2007
  • Barber, William J.. Historia del pensamiento económico / William J. Barber ; versión española de Carlos Solchaga y Gloria Barba Bernabeu ; revisión de Pedro Schwart . - 13ª imp. Madrid : Alianza, 1990
  • Galbraith, John Kenneth. Historia de la economía / John Kenneth Galbraith Barcelona : Ariel, 2011